Saturday, September 4, 2010

Prince Charming

Prince Charming burps. Prince Charming farts. Prince Charming even swears. Prince Charming doesn’t always smell of sexy cologne. Sometimes he plain stinks. At times, Prince Charming won’t want to talk much after a strenuous day at work. Sometimes when Prince Charming doesn't talk, there's actually nothing going on in his brain. He isn't thinking of you, the argument you had 23 days ago or the new Audi R8.

Prince Charming is not a machine, and hell, even the best of machines break down and require updates. He needs his Wii time. He unwinds by screaming at the TV, watching two grown men beat the shit out of each other. Sometimes Prince charming can’t pick up your hints. Don’t be angry at him because he doesn’t live inside your mind or when you say you’re okay, he actually believes you. Sometimes Prince Charming wants to hear you say “I love you” instead of saying it first. Prince Charming may not be as emotional as you’d like him to be but he’ll let you in more than anyone else.

Prince Charming raises his voice when he’s angry but give him a break; you go through your bitchy moments too that may or may not involve a tampon or sanitary towel and a dozen chocolate bars. Prince Charming doesn’t always say the right things because, believe it or not,your relationship isn't based on a Freddie Prinz Jr movie script. Prince Charming attempts to provide logical solutions to any problems you may have. It’s his instinctual method of helping, even though you only want him to listen. Ask him to merely listen. He can’t help it; all men subconsciously compete with Superman.

Prince Charming can’t save you or fix the emotional trauma your parents inflicted upon you. Prince Charming can't erase the memories of you being bullied because you still kept your "puppy fat" in High school and still had your "puppy fat" at your graduation ceremony. The Cinderella story is a lie. He can hold your hand but can't walk instead of you. Learn not only to stand on your own two feet but to run too. Oh, and by the way, Prince Charming isn’t really a prince. He’s just a man who loves you.

The Wrong Girl

Tonight I felt the hit
of a hand I already knew
If only I was warned, before I
exposed every flake of my skin

It must have felt right at the time?
That kiss on my forehead wasn’t a lie
But I’m not enough to erase
the pain of her demise
And a one way ticket you left behind

It must have felt happy at the time?
That place that we danced in wasn’t a lie
But I’m not shiny enough to be
thrown into your lonely wishing well

Maybe you’ll see me for a moment or two
Another regret that dangles on your arms

I am the wrong girl that felt right at the time
And I can’t embrace you without whithering again
Only because you are more a blessing,than a tragedy

Sunday, August 22, 2010

We're all the same.

Some wear turbans. Some wear scarves. Some wear nothing on their heads. Some love God. Some do not. Some haven't met God yet. Some are lost and some are found. Some love men. Some love women. Some love both. Some eat breakfast. Some skip meals. Some have no choice. Some say FUCK when they're mad. Some say FUDGE because FUCK is bad.

Some love dogs. Some hate cats. Some love fried chicken. Some think it's wrong. Some love fried chicken until they watch their chicken being hung. Some dance in the sun. Some hide in the dark. Some are sane and some are crazy. Some buy villas. Some just get by. Some break into villas for all the nice stuff. Some obsess. Some don't care. Some are addicted. Some don't understand. Some are fearless. Some are trapped. Some are dreamers. Some are numb inside. Some can stand and some need help. Some escape and some never come back.

Some eat with forks and knives. Some eat with bare hands. Some wait for the crumbs. Some abuse and some forget. Some forgive and some repent. Some can write. Some can calculate. Some can learn. Some are comfortably ignorant. Some are judgmental. Some are accepting. Some are open to changing their ways. Some are black. Some are white. Some are yellow. Some see colour. Some do not. Some see grey. Some see rainbows in an empty sky.

Some fight the mirror and some embrace it. Some conform. Some do not. Some think they do. Some think they do not. Some are talk. Some do walk. Some care too little. Some care too much. Some still swing away on swings. Some watch from the windowsill. Some love deeply. Some have fun. Some bruise easily. Some are too cold to touch. Some stay and some move on.

Some are liars. Some are blunt. Some are neither. Some are beautiful. Some are ugly. Some are undefined. Some know and some continue searching. Some are in denial. Some are aware. Some choose to ignore. Some decide to educate. Some wear disguises. Some are raw.

Some are married. Some are not. Some are married but their dates don't know. Some have children. Some can not. Some adopt. Some are pro-choice. Some are not. Some are greedy. Some are giving. Some are selfish. Some are self-less. Some fall. Some get up. Some fall deeper and some rise again. Some believe and some do not.

We all need love. We all will drop.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Superficial

You're the best,they say.
And they love me!

You’re beautiful,they say.
And they want me!

My heels are broken.
My knees are bruised.

My eyes are open.
My lips are glued.

There's no icing on the cake now.
I’ve run out of that sweet stuff.

And my grandma just died.
So I can’t come out to play.

You’ve changed,they say.
They realize I'm human too.

I see the superficial.
They come and go.

God is real and in his hands,I will be clean.
Free of the superficial,free of the dirt.

(Please wash away everything that hurts.)

Friday, April 2, 2010

I can't stand you.

I confess that sometimes I can’t stand you.

Your lack of tact pisses me off as does your temper. But I also confess that I adore you so much I’ve memorized your every little mannerism without even trying and the location of the lines on your forehead when you raise your eyebrows.

You weren’t a test I had to study for or a game I had to concentrate for. The easiest thing that’s ever happened to me was falling in love with you. It was almost too easy that it scared me. My heart was taken on this wild trip without my permission.

I know how you eat.

You’ll pause with a fork in your hand so eloquently while I will continue shovelling my food into my mouth. Your water has to be cold. Your meat, very well done almost burnt (good news for a bad cook). Your tacos, crunchy.

I can close my eyes and know your scent. I can’t describe it but I know it. That reminds me, I need to ask you for a shirt you’ve worn a 100 times. I want to smell you when you’re not here like a new friend's house you visit that smells of dog.You don't even need to ask if they have a dog. Is that creepy? I don’t even care. I want your shirt.

I can spot the moments before your smile forms. And I feel excited to know I was the cause. Maybe I drive you crazy sometimes too but I do want to make you happy ultimately, I swear.

I recognize the early quivers in your voice when you’re about to cry. And if I’m the reason, it kills me more than you realize. You could probably get away with a lot more if you cried but I won’t tell you that.

I can predict what you’re going to say in an argument. So sometimes I purposely won’t answer your question because I know the point you’re going to make. And I don’t want you to win because I admit: sometimes you’re right.

I remember exactly how warm you r hands feel. Exactly. And I remember exactly how warm they make me feel inside. Exactly. If I don’t grab your hand, it means I’m waiting for you to grab mine.

I know when you’re trying to make it up to me when you’ve been an ass but I think it’s cute anyway and let you do your thing especially if it involves chocolate.

I know there are some songs you don’t listen to when I’m around because you get embarrassed. It just draws attention to it when you change the song. And it just makes me point it out so quit it. I love that Beach Boys song.

I know when you’re with a friend while you’re speaking to me on the phone because you’ve dropped my pet names and deepened your voice. It’s okay though. It’s kind of adorable that you’re so sappy with me you have to cut back on it as not to appear to be a wussy of some sort.

I know that you’ll try to make me jealous sometimes to tease me. I’ll know it and I’ll still walk into your trap because I’m a bratty child who won’t share her teddy bear with anyone.

I know when you want to tell me some good news, it’s usually about a car or a new MAC gadget or a new donut deal or a car or a car or a car.

And when I go a day without talking to you, I think about how I’ve gone a day without talking to you.

Sometimes I can't stand you but I love you. I love you that I will have my bouts of "standing you" for the rest of my life.